I found lots of surprises when I entered my room upon arriving at the hotel for the students. Most disappointing of those surprises was the complete lack of the wifi mentioned in the review (which explains the absence of any posts since I left Ohio) and most amusing of those surprises was the fact that instead of the bible I found a copy of the pictured novel in the semi-broken drawer of the desk. The previous tenant of the room made it to page six (more accurately known as page two). I didn't quite make it that far, but I did make a small attempt. A very small attempt. While no book will ever rival the bible in total publications/sales over the length of it's continued literary history, it has been outsold on the basis of single year sales figures by a few choice novels - or novel series to be more consistently accurate. Thug Lovin', however, is not one of those select powerhouses of popular reading texts. Never will be. Anyway, ranting aside...
I hadn't planned on driving home for the weekend, but the state of the room I would otherwise be subjected to spending 69 idle hours in has provoked me to reconsider. I will most definitely be spending the weekend back at home. This will be my one and only real opportunity to do so during my three week training course since I'll have class 6 days of the week for the final two weeks until graduation. At any rate, I'll wait until I'm back in Ohio to complete the posts for the first week of my stay and I'll also wait to return home before posting about the remaining two weeks of my stay here.
Posting by phone is slightly aggravating, especially when I consider a potential edit. Then I look around my shitty hotel room and I get really aggravated. Still, I endure. That is all.
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