Thursday, August 25

Truck it.

Here it is. This is literally everywhere my first adventure in trucking took me. You can zoom in and out. Scroll around by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the world where you want it to go. You can even switch between various map modes. Wicked cool, I know. Also, if you look very closely just to the west of Alberquerque you will see a black dot where there's absolutely nothing - until you zoom in about five or seven times. That's the casino we frequented on our trips back and forth between Los Angeles and Amarillo. We probably spent an entire 48 hours there altogether. Also, if you look just northeast of Dallas you'll notice a marker in the middle of nowhere and a line deadending there. That's how far away they let me go on my first solo trip before sucking me back into the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Cruel. Very cruel.

I'm going to work on getting a supplemental page going to house this map permenantly and also to give me somewhere to put the next one. Oh... foreshadowing. Anticipate that! The link will eventually be placed somewhere on that menu bar on the right somewhere.

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