Saturday, August 13

"There's gonna be a second civil war."

"In America, you mean?"
"Oh yes. Probably in the next 4-8 years."
"Why do you believe that?"
"Texas is going to succeed from the nation."
"Why would Texas do that?"
"Obama. If he gets re-elected, it will happen. Might happen anyway."
"Where did you say you were from again?"
"Arkansas. Don't worry, Yankee. You can come hide out with me and the old man. We like you, even if you are one of them."
"Well, thank you. That's a generous offer. Do you think the South might win this time?"
"Hell yes. We've got sockpiles of weapons the North is not aware of. Also, this time isn't gonna be as clean and nice as the last one. Not that I'm implying the last one was clean and nice, because it damn sure wasn't. But, we've got all these terrible weapons and technology this time around. It's going to be a crazy mess. Awful and bloody."
"Wow. That would definitely be a horrible tragedy."

We started off talking about how children these days are out of control because they lack discipline and how the parents won't discipline their children anymore because of the government intervening. We compared and contrasted how things were when we were growing up and how they are now. We explored how things might naturally progress in this manner and what the possible outcomes might be. Then, it moved to national examples of how parents are already killing their children and vice versa. Most of which was somehow associated to the Mexican border being open and the cartel drug traffic coming into this country. This naturally lead to how some states are requiring both English and Spanish be taught to children starting as early as kindergarten. This lead to a sweeping world view of how bad things are getting and how we're on the verge of another world war - are already involved in wars which will be swallowed into the all out impending global war - because of the ever-present nuclear threat from North Korea, our coninued occupation in the Middle East, and a worldwide general hate of all things American. But even in the midst of all that chaos and horror, the real danger is already here. It's us. It's the US.

I really enjoy talking to people like this. I love watching how their minds work and how they rationalize their outrageous beliefs - the more outrageous and fanatical, the better. I find it asolutely fascinating how a conversation about wanting to go home to see your children can digress into an apocalypse.

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